Meet Ashley

Welcome friend! Let's find beauty in the everyday!

My name is Ashley and I spend my days rearranging furniture and raising littles.

I started sharing my life on the internet back in 2008. What began as a place to find like minded women who shared a passion for the home - turned into a place of friendship, shared ideas, and a little reminder that I am not so alone in this big overwhelming world.

A lot has happened since then. I got married. Lived some pretty wonderful years as a newlywed. And more recently we started a family (as of 2023 we are now a family of six!).

In under four years we have made two cross country moves with a baby. You'd think we were crazy but these big moves during our early years of parenting has shaped us in ways we would have never experienced.

// 2016 //
We began in Sacramento, California, born and raised, and packed our bags and headed out to Central Virginia for my husband's job. Our son was four months old.

// 2019 //
After three challenging but beautiful years out in the country, another job opportunity arose. We jumped at the chance to be a little closer to home and are now residing just outside of Seattle, Washington. We moved when our daughter was nine months old.

While this blog began as a place to document decorating my home, hosting parties, and occasional thoughts on life - the past few years has brought a shift in my purpose and goal for this space.

Much like adjusting to being a wife, I have learned that motherhood has changed me.

So while I still love a styled vignette and a perfectly plated dessert spread, it is my family that is now taking up most of my time and attention.

And I don't mind. Because I am learning to let love change me...

I am learning that I can find beauty in the everyday. And I hope to share those findings with you on this blog.

Some of those things include:

// Spending time in our garden and taking a walk around our neighborhood

// Getting a moment of quiet during naptime - with a cup of coffee and my devotional

// Family dance parties

// Making something creative with my kids

// Framed family photos on the walls

// Painting my nails

// Feeling good about my postpartum body

// Family adventures to new places

And finding like minded friends through this little space online!

Let's make the everyday beautiful!