I Heart Valentine's Day

I love Valentine's Day...not necessarily for the lovey dovey-ness (I have been there single ladies!)...but I really love it because it is pretty. Eye candy for every girly girl...those pinks and reds are to drool over. I have to admit, the same day I took down Christmas, Valentine's went up! I know...over a month early...I'm killing you right? Well, I went a little crazy last year with the V-Day decor. Target had some absolutely delicious cupcake decor that I went wild over! In order to rationalize the craziness I put up the decorations ASAP so that I can enjoy it longer. And boy does it make me squeal!
I decided to refrain from posting my decorations so that we can all breathe through the New Year but not knowing what to post about, I thought I would share some cute finds I would like to make eventually. But don't worry...those decorations will be coming!

I even remembered loving V-day in elementary school...something about having decorated little bags on your desk and hoping the cute boy you sit next to gave you something sweet...It is a beautiful thing. And back in high school, us single late bloomer girlfriends would have our own V-day parties with a gift exchange and festive red sprinkled treats. There is a sweet nostalgia about it and reminds me why I love being a girl so much! :)
Oh Valentine's Day...I love you! xoxo
Bloggy Love
Genius Moment


  1. So pretty and girly and just down right gorgeous!
    Your post speaks *LOVELY* throughout:-)

  2. Valentine's Day is a big fav for me too. It's also a big cupcake day too. LOL!. Lots of cupcake stuff in the stores. Of course, I love what I get from my significant other. Quality time with him.

  3. I absolutely know what you mean! My daughter and I went into TJ Maxx the week after Christmas, and they had an abundance of Valentine's Day pottery and deco on display and I went crazy...

    my daughter thought I was nuts!

  4. LOL! I heart Valentine's Day, too - and apparently so does my Little Princess...she's nagging me to get some Valentine's Day decorations, so I guess I'll make her happy (which, of course, will make me happy...heh, heh!)

  5. so I've never been big on Valentine's Day... but you may have just converted me........

  6. I've been decorating for Valentine's Day too.... I've always enjoyed Valentine's Day though the hubby thinks it unnecesary, of course.

  7. Oooohhhh! Pretty!! Me like. :)

  8. Lovin' your blog! Just dropping by to congratulate you on being SAUCY!!

  9. I love TJ Maxx too! I love those bead hearts!

  10. Where did you find that stuffed heart with the red heart buttons? Is it at Target? I NEED to buy it!!!

  11. I love Valentine's Day! I always have, it's such an enchanted holiday!

    Love the decorating finds! Especially that last picture!

  12. What a cute post! I struggle with how to accessorize the house for Valentine's Day, but I do love the school aspect of it! I love decorating little boxes and treat bags for my kids! Can't wait to see what everyone does for it!

  13. oh my gosh!...I actually had what I THINK might be a genius idea for you...maybe you'll think so, maybe you won't...

    you know that FABULOUS white tree you just bought?? the one you really wish you could go ahead and use now?? why not break convention and use it for valentine's day?? cover it in pink and red hearts, flowers, vintage love, and anything else you can think of...it wouldn't look the least bit christmasy, and you would be the talk of the town!

  14. Hi! I just came over from Kimbas blog and am really enjoying your posts. Your refurbished hutch is lovely!

  15. It is even better today! YOU awesome talented girl!
    Hey, I linked you to my blog today:-) Thanks again for your inspiration!

  16. I love it too! These are great finds...I can't wait to see your decorations!

  17. Somebody's been shopping! I can't wait to see what you do with it!

  18. Love it all! I am sooooo wanting to make one of those beautiful kissing balls to hang from my doorway. If you end up making one, let me in on some tips!

    xoxoxoxoxoxo ~ Amanda

  19. Valentine's Day is definitely for girls! I love all the pinks and reds!

  20. I can't wait to see your decorations. I have...none. I never know exactly what to do so, I can't wait to see your ideas.

  21. Post those decorations ASAP! I'm longing to be inspired.

  22. Last year Shane bought me some Valentines candles in the shape of sweet cupcakes. I'm really looking forward to taking a peek at your decorations! Haha, I wear a red peacoat with pink gloves and a pink pashmina and I always feel so Valentines Dayish. ;)

  23. This is weird, but I think I like Valentine's Day more than Christmas.

  24. I know...this is my third comment on this post...I SWEAR I'm not stalking you!

    I left an award for you on my blog...yay!

  25. I'm not a big Valentine's girl, but I do love the colors and the sweets that go along with it!

    Oh, and congrats on being a Saucy girl this week!

  26. Finally! Someone who loves Valentine's Day! It seems that the people that don't like it, are always pleased to say just how much they don't like it, and how it's a Hallmark holiday. Whatevs.

    Loving your SAUCY Blog!

  27. I've never gotten that into it but I feel a change a comin' this year... :) I am already thinking about a new wreath! :) This stuff is adorable!

  28. I'm stopping by from SITS and I LOVE your blog. I've spent the last hour reading through some of your ideas, and my eyes are burning because I should be asleep, but I'm definitely going to subscribe right now!

  29. What Girl doesn't love Valentine's Day..I'm with you Ashely,,the pinker, the prettier the better. I love your decorations and can't wait to see what you do. Would love to see your home. I love the glitter, glam and fruffyness of it to..It's all about being a girl on that day..Men don't get it like we do. Again, love the post and hope you will post your home decor. Have a great day and thanks for always stopping by my blog.. blessing to you and your family..

  30. Ya know, I have never really been one for Valentines Day but after reading this post and realizing how beautiful some of the decorations are, I might just get into it a little bit. I love pale pinks with hints of passionate red. Awwww, so pretty.

    Congrats again on your saucy week!

  31. It is pretty isn't it? Wow, some of those decorations are great, but I wish I could make them instead of rely on someone to do it for me and add a heavy price tag.

  32. I am a big Valentines girl too. I think it is the hearts that grab me. Besides pink has always been my favoite. I do the same thing and put Valentines up as soon as Christmas goes down. This year I made a cute little heart garland that you can see on my blog.

  33. Beautiful! I love Valentine's Day too!

    Congrats on being saucy!

  34. Oh NOW look what you've done! You got me in the Valentine's Day mood which means up go the decorations, out goes Michelle shopping for Valentine's Day things...and in goes all that good baking shaped like hearts into my tummy! I blame you for all this. ;) Have a great day, Ashley! By the way, love that pink wreath that looks like it has little light pink bulb ornaments on it...is that what that is?

  35. Valentine's Day is HUGE in our famiy! Second only to Christmas! And it isn't for the lovey dovey reasons either! We use the day to let our whole family know we love them!!

  36. Yes, this holiday is a girly-girl's dream!

    Visiting from SITS...so nice to meet you! =)

  37. Sweet inspiration, Ashley!
    Thanks for dropping by Bloggeritaville today! I love new friends!

  38. So cute! So fluffy and feminine love the inspiration for Valentine's day. I just may put up a few decorations this year.

  39. I love Valentine's Day and your pictures are wonderful. Keep it coming! Congrats on your awards.

  40. I love it too, i'm trying to get my boss to decorate the office for it! haha

  41. Came over to say Hi from SITS. I hope you enjoyed your week of being Saucy!! Gorgeous Eye candy!! I love the heart made out of ornaments!

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