They Notice

CIMG9824I was pleasantly surprised the other day to find out that my husband notices more than I thought he did…

But let me first explain Brent.  He is a man’s man.  He goes to his office job each day but deep down he is a get in the dirt, work on the car, wash the bottom of the shower a million times a day because his dirt sticks like glue kind of man.  He does not care about the frills of the home like some men do.

So my manly husband Brent said to me the other day, “Thanks for always making the bed.”  What, says the man whom I have NEVER seen make his own bed?!?!  You notice that I make the bed everyday?  And there was my revelation…half of the reason I make the bed everyday is for me and my tidyness perfectionism…but little did I know that my husband appreciated…AND vocalized an appreciation for a tidy bed.  Who knew?

There is a lot of stereotypes about women who stay at home and have nothing to do (and spend all their husband’s money).  But if I can prove that stereotype wrong by having a husband who notices and appreciates that I take care of our home…I have made my fellow housewives proud.

So…yes, it is okay to make your bed at 4 pm.  I sometimes do.  Because for all he knows, it has been made all day.  ;)


  1. I love your thought processing.. It's great.. I do the same thing!! I agree with you about staying at home. I'v always tried to have my home comfortable for my husband. I love when he notices the little things and compliments me on the meal or the way the house smells or looks. Woman who stay at home have a tough job..It's not a falicy when stating the job is a Domestic Engineer... you are overseeing a corporation.. you are the CEO.. Have a fun Friday my friend and keep up the good work!!

  2. Such a sweet post! I have one of those manly man hubbies too, and when he notices things like really touches my heart. And makes me proud of the choices I've made to be here making our house a home and raising our famiy! Thanks for made this particular housewife proud!


  3. How sweet! Those are those moments where I'm sure why I married my Mr. G. He's always thankful for things I do and vocalizes it! You're a blessed woman Ashley and you have a blessed man by your side whos appreciate and is thankful for things you do too. Best! Vanessa

  4. So true! My husband rarely, if ever, notices things I've done to decorate, but he does notice stuff like I cleaned the bathroom or put all his laundry away, or folded his blankets that he likes to keep on the couch while he watches TV. :)

  5. See, this is exactly why I think I be much happier if I stayed at home. Working outside the home and taking your day off to take care of the house does take a toll on me. But I'm grateful when he looks at his clean clothes or made bed and says thank you. You go girl!

  6. Now there is a pat on the back. They don't notice often but when they do it's all worth it. (I'm making mine at 4:00 pm too while I brush my teeth) ;-)

  7. Isn't it so nice when they notice? My husband once told me that when he sees a clean, folded towel waiting for him when he goes to take a shower is like finding a wrapped present. Hilarious. But it made me feel good. Perhaps I should start making the bed ;P

  8. I have to get back on that bandwagon. My husband, too, has commented that he loves it when he comes home and the bed is made, even if the room is a disaster. (sadly, our bedroom tends to the That Room in our house. You know, the room where things get shoved and it's kind of a disaster)
    I've never ever my whole life been the domestic cleany type, I kindof just started after our daughter was born, so I don't beat myself up about it, I've slowly been getting closer and closer to housecleaning perfection ;D But I really should make that bed...
    My hubby also says thankyou for a clean everything else too. He knows this stuff doesn't come naturally to me, I'm so scattered and distracted that I have to make lists and really focus or the house will just get away from me. So he really appreciates that I'm getting good at it. And face it, it makes me light up like a firefly when he comes home and says things like, "the house looks good! What's that delicious smell?"

  9. This is one of my favorite's that you've posted! :) I love being a stay-at-home mom. I love taking pride in my home and feeling like what I do is important and worthwhile. And I, like you, have a husband that appreciates it. Even if he doesn't always vocalize his thanks. Thank you for posting this. :)

  10. Ashley, I just love reading all your blog posts...I just want to chime in here and let you know how much I appreciate all you do! You are truly an inspiration and example to others in so many ways, as well as a blessing to our family!

    I know how much time it can take to clean up after Brent, he used to live at my house! :-)

    Love you!

  11. My hubs is a mans man too!! But he does notice things like when I polish the silver or changed the picture on the walls. Plus I do work so he appreciates it even more that I can find time to get all things done.

  12. Speaking for SAHM's the world over (and you know I do), "You make us proud!".

  13. So sweet. It sometimes is a big deal for a guy to recognize the little things. Its great that he appreciates all you do!

  14. Ashley, I love your outlook and perspective every time I read a post. I am so looking forward to being a stay at home wife and mom in a few short months! Kelly

  15. Hahaha! My husband gets home from work @ 6pm, so I always make the bed around 5:30.

    But when he is home, he always makes the bed....he's a perfectionist. But it is nice to be married to a guy who cares about things like that.
