About a month ago I was hit with an overwhelming amount of disappointment and hurt. I have a better handle on it now but I am afraid the issue is one of those life long lingering ones. As I adjust to life as an adult, I am learning that I am very idealistic and unfortunately people are very disappointing. It has been bringing me down but also bringing down my husband. I am seeing how much as the home manager, my attitude, emotional state, and mindset affect my household. In attempts to move past this, I have been trying to surround myself with good thoughts…truths…to dwell on instead. And though chalkboards are for decorating, they can also help with some heart transformation. And I as I deal with this, I have been learning that I need to embrace and invest in those people who do love me…who bring joy to my life…who care about me unconditionally. And suddenly I don’t have time to dwell as much on those bringing me down. A lesson that hurts but a lesson that needs to be learned.
What does your chalkboard need to be telling you right now?