He Put a Ring on It

Three years ago today my husband and I got engaged.  It is by far one of the most wonderful weekends I have ever had.  In case you missed it, you can read about it here.

I like to celebrate the little things.  Today almost passed by without remembering just three years ago it changed our lives.  I am glad we remembered.  And I am glad we replanned our weekend schedule so we could spend the day together.

Remembering back on these moments reminds me how much I love my husband...and presents an opportunity to fall in love with him all over again.  It is in remembering where we have come from and how far we have been together that keeps our marriage something worth celebrating. 


  1. So true. We celebrate everything. He had planned to propose to me at the Windows of the World restaurant on September 16th 2001. His plan “B” was a month after that and so emotional for so many reasons. We are reminded of what we have with every 9-11 thought. We celebrate everything, starting with our first date in 1997 every single month. (together 176 months and counting). There are times when a marriage will take more work than other times but never let go of what brought you together. Celebrate everything!!!!
    P.S. You are so lucky to have photos of the big day!!

  2. Aw Happy Engagement Anniversary! Isn't it crazy that the sun in that picture is completely gone now?!?


  3. Wow! I didn't realize you'd been blogging since 2009! Way to go girl! Now you have a record of your relationship from the beginning. I loved reading your engagement story. It's incredible how much work he put into that. That speaks loads about the type of person he is! Congrats on your three year engaged-iversary!

  4. I just came back from reading your engagment story and I'm so tickled. What a charming engagement story---so much love and planning. And that's such an adorable photo of him proposing on his knee. I wish I had been more of a picture-taker in my twenties. You will always appreciate having these visual reminders of those special moments.
    Your husband has such a thoughtful side, I'm so impressed!
    Leslie (aka gwen moss blog)

  5. I love celebrating the little things too. I keep our engagement anniversary marked on our calendar so I never forget to celebrate:)

    Happy engagement anniversary.

