31 Days of Serving My Husband: Day 14--Knowing What is Important and What is Not

Knowing what is important and what is not to better serve and love my husband.

There are things that are more important to my husband than others.  Things like having clean underwear and a warm meal are high on his priority list.  But if you are like me and most women I know, I could go weeks without doing laundry and have plenty to wear.  Leftovers are cool with me and in my single years a bowl of cereal was not only a treat but a delicious dinner. 

But I know that clean clothes is an important aspect when he is up at 5:00 am and is rushing off to work.  By knowing what is important to my husband and setting them as a priority allows me to better serve him in ways that he really needs.  Things like the house vacuumed is not such a big deal to him. 

Knowing all of this can be so freeing.  Instead of stressing and worrying about doing it all, on some days it is okay to just do what is important.  He is not going to notice and a happy and not overly stressed wife is much more enjoyable to come home to.

Every husband and relationship is different.  I encourage you to think what is most important to your husband and put that higher up on the to do list today.  The rest will get done in time but a happy and cleanly clothed husband is well worth it!

31 Days of Serving My Husband

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31 Days of Serving My Husband is now available as a devotional!  Click here to find out more about the devotional full of new study questions and scripture to encourage and inspire you to an even greater marriage!


  1. yes yes yes! i was thinking about this exact topic today actually. like showering. (am i about to say this?! yes, yes i am.) not too high up on my priority list all the time. but the hubs showers lots. often twice a day. so i'm working on that...upping my shower game. since it's important to him. HA! or EEEK!, rather.

    if i sound disgusting, it's fine. i'm totally owning it. ;)

    {cheers y'all}

  2. OMG YES. Since Rob and I have moved in together I am amazed by how often he has to do laundry. I can go weeks without it. I love that man but since we both work right now, I'm letting him take the laundry lead ;)
