Sometimes in my cluttered always running mind, I do not know how to help when my husband needs it. I have learned it is easier to just ask how I can help than figuring it out on my own. Left on my own attempts, I think chocolate chip cookies solve everything. Though they can be helpful, they are often not the only solution.
Instead now I ask--"What can I do to help?"
It is that easy. Takes no real work on my part to try to figure out a solution. And it is probably nice to not hear my ten cents all the time and instead lend a helping hand.
When I ask this question I get a variety of answers...
Help me wash the car.
Run an errand for me.
Just listen.
I need you to be more respectful.
Let's go get McDonald's.
I need to go to bed early tonight.
Let's watch a movie and stay home.
I need you to ask my opinion next time.
We need to watch how much we spend this week.
I need a little attention.
Let's go get ice cream.
And sometimes when there is nothing I can do to help, it is sometimes just nice that I even offered. It shows I care and I want to help even if the situation is beyond the both of us.
Then there are other times when something is my fault and I need to just listen to how I could make it better next time and own up to it. It's hard to do but definitely worth it in apologizing and just moving on.
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