31 Days of Serving My Husband: Day 20--Comfort in the Commitment

At the end of the day, I have a great sense that no matter my attitude or my husband's words or actions, I am to serve.  This is not always successful but it is a commitment I have made to my husband.

I have great comfort in our commitment.  I know that no matter where life takes us and the selfish or poor choices each of us might make, we are committed to each other for the long haul.

So when things are hard and I may feel helpless, I am reminded of the bigger picture.  I can choose anger or bitterness but it only postpones me to our long term goal.  Instead I choose forgiveness, patience, and humble honesty so that we can work things out and hopefully move forward a little stronger.

Rocks and roadblocks can be seen as opportunities--opportunities to grow closer and stronger in our marriage instead of pulling us apart.

But it is in our commitment that we both have this mindset.  And because of that, when times are hard, I can find great comfort in the commitment.

31 Days of Serving My Husband

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31 Days of Serving My Husband is now available as a devotional!  Click here to find out more about the devotional full of new study questions and scripture to encourage and inspire you to an even greater marriage!


  1. So many people feel commitment as a burden and it is the exact opposite, such a comfort as you say! It is this way with all kinds of things God gives us. We want to view them as burdens, rules, obligations and instead He has told us soo much for our good, for good, sweet, kind, merciful gifts for us! Kelly

  2. yes girl! that's a covenant right there. what a sacred gift we've been given...all through the grace of our Savior!

