31 Days of Serving My Husband: Day 25--31 Ways to Show Your Love

A list of 31 ideas for showing your husband love!

Keeping in the theme of 31 days, here is a list of 31 ways to show your husband love.  It is often easy to get caught up in the mundane of life.  I hope you will find this list encouraging and one you can come back to in being creative with how you show your husband love.

1. Leave a trail (like candy) or clues to a special treat or gift (this is how I paid my taxes from blogging and watching my nephew this year!).

2. Bake his favorite treat.

3. Make his favorite dinner.

4. Offer to give a massage.

5. Leave him a note to be found later (like in his car, lunch box, or on the refrigerator).

6. Make him a candy poster board.

7. Make a meal special at home or go out to eat to celebrate him.

8. Compliment him.

9. Tell him you respect him and why.

10. Say yes.

11. Go on a date night and do something that interests him.

12. Let him pick the movie.

13. Buy or make him a card.

14. Give him a list of reasons why you love him.

15. Text each other. 

16. Plan a trip together.

17. Do something for him to relieve his responsibility around the house or at work.

18. Bring him baked goods to his work place.

19. Brag about him in public.

20. Greet him at the door.

21. Channel the 1950's--wear an apron, have dinner ready, and help him take his shoes off.

22. Make breakfast in bed.

23. Save up and surprise him with a gift he has been wanting just because or encourage him to go ahead and buy something that he has been wanting.

24. Show him love through his love language.

25. Pray for him.

26. Flirt with him.

27. Encourage him to have healthy male relationships.

28. Dress up for him to go out...or stay home.

29. Ask him his opinion.

30. Feed him well--find delicious AND healthy meals to cook.

31. Show interest in his work and life.

31 Days of Serving My Husband

// Find all posts from 31 Days of Serving My Husband here.



31 Days of Serving My Husband is now available as a devotional!  Click here to find out more about the devotional full of new study questions and scripture to encourage and inspire you to an even greater marriage!

1 comment

  1. Awesome list! I let my hubby pick the movies too. They usually involve lots of guns and people getting blown up. Oh well! :)
