Our Son's Birth Story (2 Years Later!)

I have been working on finishing up our son's baby book.  Nothing like another baby on the way to motivate myself to get this done!  It has been so fun to look back at so many photos and memories of our sweet boy.  How he has changed so much in a short two years.

I was hesitant to share our birth story when he was first born.  It was a difficult and emotional delivery and I wasn't quite ready to share all the details.

But as I was typing it out for the baby book, it meant a lot to me to be able to re-read the story and remember some of the small details. 

Just a few days before our son was born, a friend of mine had shared her story of a difficult birth.  Going through what we did, having this story in the back of mind was so reassuring.  It was a reminder that things don't always go as planned.  And it mentally prepared me for what was to come ahead.  

I am so grateful for her story and so I hope that our story may encourage others as well.

OUR BIRTH STORY - from my journal throughout delivery

July 11, 2016

After a busy day at home – walk, 7-11 free slurpee, and grocery store – I did my kick counts.  I believe I got ten but they were hard to count.   Took a nap and Brent got home. 

I seemed to have a lot of energy versus the day before with contractions.  So when I laid down to go to bed I thought about Brent asking about my kick counts.   They weren’t that present and it made me think how baby hadn’t been very active much that day at all.  So of course I started to worry and couldn’t sleep. 

I waited awhile – until 10 pm – for when he normally starts wiggling.   Still no movement.  Got up and went to the bathroom.  Ate some chocolate.  Drank some juice.  Had a popsicle.  Still no movement. 

I look on my phone.  Prayed my normal prayer – for peace of mind movement so I could go to bed.  Nothing.   I thought of the stories of waiting too long, when baby wasn’t moving.   It was my responsibility to do something.  So finally I woke Brent up and we called labor and delivery. 

They didn’t seem worried since I got my kick counts but said better safe than sorry and that I could just come in.  Baby moved while I was on the phone and in the car.  I started feeling silly for making such a big deal.  Brent brought our bags – just in case. 

We got to the hospital and they monitored his heartbeat – he was fine.   I drank some juice and got lots of movement.  We would be able to go home in 20 minutes.   Everything seemed fine. 

One last look on the ultrasound only to find out there wasn’t enough fluid.  They couldn’t send us home, as it was no longer safe for baby without enough fluid.  So we stayed.  I was so overwhelmed – shaking and couldn’t stop.  Brent was so sweet just holding my hand.  They had to induce to get the baby out.  So now we wait. 

We are in the high-risk wing and may not get a midwife.  They have to monitor the baby so the umbilical chord doesn’t get wrapped around him.  I’ll most likely have to stay in bed during labor. 

Pretty much the exact opposite of what I had hoped for.  I feel emotional and crushed but I must trust in God’s will for how our baby comes into this world.  We are here with doctors and we caught this early enough.  But I am scared and overwhelmed.  I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. 

-Tuesday, 12:00 am admitted 

-Tuesday, 5:00 pm painful contractions, 17 hours of labor – took epidural (I cried I was so disappointed but ended up being what was best), leaning on Brent, midwives and nurses are so kind and understanding – willing to work with me 

-Tues night/Wed morning – worked through contractions in bed, body was progressing on it’s own 

-Wed morning – prepped to push 

-Wed 10:00-11:00 am – push, nurse that was there when we were admitted arrived for her next shift to deliver.  She was so surprised we were still there.   Midwife was confident in my pushing ability. 

35 hours total! 

July 13, 2016

Last two pushes were so painful.   My eyes were closed not sure I could push anymore.  Midwife yells – “look at your baby!”  He was here.   In my arms.  All these people quickly getting him to me, cleaning fluid out of his mouth.   I cry.  So overwhelmed.   Brent tears up.  One of the most special moments of my life!