Phew. I cannot believe it is January already! I started this post months ago. So for sake of moving forward, I will keep this intro brief. Here are some snapshots from the end of summer! It was a monumentous time for me as I had to get myself and four children out of the house in preparation for school to start!
The beauty of the end of summer and beginning of fall popping up in our yard.
Noteworthy Saturday donuts.
Back to school shopping and all four kids in the stroller! Watch out outlet shoppers!
Girl wanted red shoes. Not my first choice but they exactly fit this spunky girl's personality.
Whether pregnant or with a newborn, all I want is at least one family night at the splash pad every summer. We made it happen.
Packing up his backpack for first grade! My big kid! (I'm still crying about it. My baby!)
The best community event with the firehouse. I love our smallish town. It keeps getting better.
Another attempt at take out date night. We keep filling up those love tanks as best we can in this tiring season.
Battery powered candlesticks are my EVERYTHING. Bringing me so much joy, especially in our current darkness.
These little ones, not so little anymore...
We love grabbing lunch and watching seaplanes come and go from the cutest little airport.
Getting in the fall spirit with monster masks!
Mama's birthday. 39 and hanging in there! What a wild decade of child bearing it has been. Pregnant with my first at 31 and closing this chapter at 39. Almost all of my 30's has been pregnant or breastfeeding. My poor body. I am SO GRATEFUL though.
First signs of rain mean special hot drinks on the porch. Usually vanilla steamers because they are less messy than hot chocolate!
More birthday photos. The kids wanted to decorate for me. A heart on the door! CRYING of happiness.
I cannot even tell you what I got for my birthday. But the thoughtful decorations and time together, those are the things that stick with me.
And Olive Garden take out is always a family favorite.
Our first trip out to the store with four kids by myself! It was nuts. Less of, "I am so proud I am doing this!" like I have had with previous babies. And instead more of "Please get out of the way of that lady. No, we cannot get cookies. Come here. Don't put that in the cart." Oh the humor.
Beads with a friend. I love all the colors and all the babies.
Photo worthy breakfasts. New picks to try out for school lunches. They were a hit.
New seasons provide new and different relationship bonds between all of my children. I am amazed to see how they connect to each other in different ways. What a gift.
Occasionally getting dressed and had to document my giant silk flower corsage. I found some silk roses at the thrift store. Pulled them all apart to make them giant and hot glued it until it looked good. I get so many compliments on them!
Signs of summer - shell bags full of beach collections.
Family of six family shadow! Oh my heart!!!
Here are our shell bags I DIYed. Idea from The Mama Notes.
If you made it this far, thank you for following along with my jumbled thought process! I still have fall and Christmas stuff to share soon. xo