Confessions of a Thriftaholic

My name is Ashley and I am a thriftaholic...
Sparkly Pear
Wilton Heart Pan

On my way to a meeting this weekend, I had to stop at my favorite thrift store since it was on the way. I was already in a rush leaving the house, but was determined to have just a little under an hour to shop. Now, I really do not like being rushed when is relaxing, strolling down the aisles, touching everything...especially at a thrift store when you have to stare down every aisle in order to not miss anything.

Vintage Linens
Want to cover the platter with some fun paper on the bottom

So as I am taking a stroll through the store, as you can see, they had amazing stuff! I just kept on filling my basket up higher and higher. The items were literally spilling out of my cart! I had fifteen minutes left until my designated "time to leave" time and I was still heading to their large back room of heart started pumping. I was overwhelmed...overwhelmed at all the beautiful things I was finding, overwhelmed at having no idea the amount of money I was about to spend, overwhelmed by my type A-be on time personality whispering, "you have five minutes left..."

Everyone has green moss balls for I do too! And a Pottery Barn U!

I finished the rounds, dumped everything onto the floor, quickly putting away items that were not to die for. People had to step over my things as I sprawled them out all over the aisle...I have only minutes people! I threw it all back into the basket with a ball park amount in my head hoping to make it out of there without going too much over.

The white frame has a metal center...thinking magnetic chalk board

My heart pounded out of my chest in a panicked rush...this must be what gambling and stealing feels like... Of course there was a line at the register and the dear woman was ever so careful handling my things. I told her no bags and I just threw it back into my basket...made it out of there at a pretty reasonable price, not over budget...and it goes to figure, I was five minutes early to my meeting...

This birdcage reminds me of Lola B's
Yes, a chandelier still my heart
A Saint Patrick's Day wreath...which I do not have!

I have a thrift store addiction.

What do you hunt for at thrift stores?

Pillowcase Apron


  1. Can't wait to see what you do with all of your fabulous finds!

  2. Man, you got some awesome finds!

    Aside from, well, quite frankly,
    whatever strikes my fancy (lol)

    I also have to watch the clothes... not only for me or for DD's sizes (i only even check her section if I have time to burn) but I'm a big fan of just whatever strikes my fancy, fabric-wise. I mean, she's just under two years old, so I can still make something out of almost anything. lol. And I love looking through the plus sized dresses! Sometimes you find something really awesome, a gorgeous fabric or something, and it's generally pretty cheap imho, i guess not a lot of Really Curvy Women shop at that particular thriftstore? My gain, though!

  3. My goodness, it's like looking in a store window! How fun! Now you have to make sure you show us what you do with all of it!

  4. We have a great thrift store in my town. I bought my friend baby clothes that were brand spanking new for $1 each outfit. I was able to rack up on great finds. I love a good deal.

  5. You pegged me exactly and I didn't know I had a problem! mom challenged me to go a month without spending any money on "junk"...i said no way!

  6. Ohhhh eye candy!! Love it! I realized the other day I NEVER buy home decor at the regular stores anymore -- I like the thrill of the thrift store better. ;)

  7. UMMM, My name is Cynthia and I have the same problem.

    What fabulous finds and can't wait to see what you do with them!!!

  8. I don't usually have something I'm looking for when going to a thrift shop. Just enjoy looking around and having my imagination flows when I see something that I could use on a project. Love all thrif stuff!

  9. I'd say you got some great finds! Oh, the possibilities!

  10. WoW, where is that thrift shop?? I am jealous over your goodies!! I would say that is one addition worth keeping! ;)

  11. I wish I had a thrift store that was not just a pretty name for a garbage dump so I could find some fabulous goodies, but I don't. So I look at your pile and drool.

  12. Great stuff!!
    Looking forward to seeing how you give it all new life =)

  13. My name is Glenda and I am a Thriftaholic. I shop several times a month in Thrift Shops. I find it exciting and just can't help myself. I've done a self intervention several times and can't seem to stop, I've even turned friends into one. I am bad and need to be punished.

    I shop for everything there.


  14. OH MY WORD!!! You had one heck of a lucky day.

    I'm hoping you show every last thing you do with this great stuff. I feel like I need to say CONGRATUALTIONS!:)

    The post was dang funny to.
    Have a good day.

  15. Ha! I'm a Craigslist addict. LOL. But how can you deny those great finds?? I know I wouldn't and at least you're not shopping full price. Am I any help at all?

  16. Wow, what great finds! You have really good taste! I don't know that I would have the artistic eye to pick up all that great stuff!

  17. You lucky, lucky girl! I am sooooo jealous of your awesome thrift store. What great finds!

  18. Ohhlaa! Love your haul! Love it!

  19. Being thrifty and pretty is the way to be! You've got it down!

  20. I don't really shop at thrift stores but reading your story makes me want to go.
    I'm curious how much you ended up spending and if you were on time or late?

  21. That chandelier candelabra was worth every minute of that beating heart of yours I'm sure- that is a great find!!!

    I haven't been lucky enough to find a thrift store worthy of more than one visit in my area, I will keep searching though!

  22. Girl, you are too cool for school. I love that people had to step over your items as they were sprawled out on the floor. :) And you were still early to your meeting. That's thrifty and not fashionably late. Love it!

  23. From one thriftaholic to another- way to go, girl! I love the rush of adrenaline when I spot a great treasure among the piles of unwanted things. After I've looked for house decor and linens, I head to the book section- pure love and escapism.

  24. Sarah @ Thrifty Decor Chick said...
    "Ohhhh eye candy!! Love it! I realized the other day I NEVER buy home decor at the regular stores anymore -- I like the thrill of the thrift store better."

    That is me too! I always feel like I can something better at a thrift store.

    You found wonderful stuff! I haven't been THAT lucky but I have found a lot of cute stuff. I look at EVERYTHING and buy whatever catches my eye, if it's the right price, that is! ;)

  25. You truly have a gift for thrift. I can never seem to find anything!! Or when I do I usually talk myself out of it. You make me want to go shopping!

  26. Great post title! I realize that it could be my blog name, and fit me to a 'T'! or 'tee' or whatever.

    Great stuff too! I love looking through that top picture, with all the goodies in one spot. It's like a visual treasure hunt!

    What do 'I' look for at thrift stores??? That's easy to find out, b/c I just posted a couple today, some last week and more to come on Thursday!!

  27. Such good finds!!!

    I shop for everything as thrift stores but sometimes have a hard timing figuring out what I can turn some finds into.

    My absolute favorite part to browse is the furniture - usually a little spray paint and it can be absolutely beautiful!!!

  28. Holy Cow what a score!! Amazing things you were able to find. I love it.

  29. You got some AWESOME stuff! I love to go thrifting too 'cause you never know what you'll find. I always seem to buy plates to hang and put on easels even though I have plenty at home. You are making me want to go right now!

  30. Love, love, love the chandelier candelabra!! You got some great bargains!

    I usually have a few things to look for when I'm thrift shopping, but you never can tell what I'll actually bring home. :)

  31. You are a lucky thriftaholic! I see some great things! Jen

  32. Oo la la! I am soooo jealous of your thrift store. I don't know what the deal is with the ones in my area...a lot of it is genuinely junk--and I tend to look at things with a "how can I fix it and make it better" eye. :) You did great! Lately, I've been looking for a desk so I can organize all my crafty stuff, some apothecary jars (no luck), and I'm always on the lookout for good children's books. :)

  33. What BOUNTY! I would have got it all!

  34. I like anything that has potential for upgrading.

    Good finds!

  35. This is a great post, Ashley! So fun! I wish I had half your compulsion to be on time. :( I look for milk glass, interesting dishes to hang on the wall, a dutch oven, organizational pieces, old linens (love that crocheted daisy cloth) and just whatever catches my eye! Kelly

  36. I swear I shop at thrift stores so much I could open my own. :) Cute finds!
    I probably shop mostly for candles, and neat milkglass to add to my new Milk glass collection. Now just if we could get our house finished to move in!!!

  37. love,loVE, LOVE your blog!!! I have to admit...I am addicted to thrifting. It's probably a good thing I don't live 2 blocks from the best thrift store in Idaho anymore!
    I am always on the lookout for unique light fixtures, chairs (my secret obsession), funky vintage jackets/fabric, and of!
    AHHH- the joys of junk jargon:)
