No Soliciting

I am busy working on my tan and learning the hula (yep, in Hawaii!)...but I thought I would share with you a little project (if you can even call it that) that I threw together last week.

Do you have problems with solicitors? It seems like the warm weather is bringing life to my plants, sun to my skin, and solicitors to my door. I wanted to put up a sign that would make it clear to "go away!" but still have it look cute at the front door (because honestly cuteness outweighs annoyance, right?). I was going to make a sign but simply writing the words on a chalkboard seemed so much easier and immediate. And when it is not warm soliciting season, it can also say "Happy Holidays!"

How do you deal with solicitors?

p.s. post #97
Home Sweet Home


  1. Great idea and very cute. Looks much better than most NS signs.
    I usually just ignore the knock at the door. :)


  2. ooo, 97!!! :) We get a lot of solicitors b/c we live on a street with an elementary school--always lots of people selling window cleaner or Jehovah's Witnesses or something. I just politely tell them I'm not interested. UNLESS they ring the doorbell and wake my kids up from their naps--then I am very unpleasant to deal with. I might just need to make a sign!!!

  3. It looks so cute! I'm going to have to make one of those! Lovely! Have fun at the sun! :) Vanessa

  4. I guess that's the one good thing about living down a big old windy country drive. I think they get nervous half way down and turn around...hee hee.Except the guy selling beef - he sees my kids on bikes and thinks - I have her!

  5. way cute, and a fabulous idea!

    i just might have to make one of those (even though we don't really have problems with solicitors...i'm thinking i can hang it on my bedroom door instead!)

    hope you're having a FAB time in Hawaii :)

  6. I love it! We tend to get waaay too many solicitors, and this is such a cute way of being rude! :) I'm off to dig around in the basement for a frame!

  7. Cute sign! That should work!

  8. Super cute!! I had my hubby put in a peep hole. If I don't know them..I don't answer the door. That's much cuter though:)

  9. I was thinking about making a sign that says "I'm happy with my vacuum, windows & religion, but thanks anyway!"

  10. How very fashionable! I love it! Hope you are having tons of fun for me in Hawaii!

  11. ugh, i am disgustingly jealous, especially considering the weather is still so bad here that nobody dares start on thier gardens for fear that the frost will come back again (it keeps snowbombing us out of the blue!)
    I don't mind the solicitors, as I don't get too many, and I get a kick out of trying to convert the Jehovah's Witnesses right back. But I do like the idea of a cute little sign like this to hang outside so I can write things like "In The Backyard" instead of using a magnet and a quick handwritten note lol...

  12. That's cute. I normally act rude.. the sign is up.. read it!

  13. cute.
    or how about "make your own dang bed".

  14. Making that tonight--we get so many soliciters!

  15. I have a sign over our doorbell also that says "Please do not ring door bell and (very politely on the bottom) No soliciting."

    Your chalkboard is too cute.

    Hope you conquer that hula.

  16. Too cute. Live in a big city but don't get too many. I either ignore them or just say "No thx!" Enjoy the hula lessons. So, Jealous!

  17. What a cute idea!! I live in a large development so we get TONS. And why is it they all know exactly when my son is napping???

  18. I wish I were working on MY tan. Sounds like you're having lots of fun!
    Thanks for the sweet encouragement on my new endeavor. : )

  19. I seriously love this! I have no huge problem with solicitors, but this almost makes me wish I did so I could use it. I'm still going to knock on wood to prevent the need of such a sign though.

  20. I could use one of can replace the 'soliciters will be shot'...

    I swear, someone came by in March and asked for my hubby (we are registered Independent so no one bothers us). He came to the door and I left...and I heard him say, Seriously, you are what? She had told him she was a 'community organizer' and that is all that got out of her mouth before he shut the door. Geez, read the bumper sticker people!

  21. That is an awesome idea! I was going to put a vinyl sign on the door, but this is soooo much cuter. Love it!
