Father’s Day Gift Wrapping…non-girly addition

CIMG0133If you are anything like me, your gift wrapping looks a lot like the photo below.  And if the men in your life are like any of the ones I know, they could care less about gift wrapping.  Yet that inner beautifier in me can’t help but want to bow up men’s presents.  CIMG0137This Father’s Day I found a fun but still pretty way to gift wrap my Father’s Day gift.  I took a picture from a Giant’s game we went to awhile ago, played around with it in Photoshop, and printed it out.  Added some pretty but not too feminine ribbon and you have a darling gift for dad.  I also used a clothes pin to attach the picture so he can keep the picture later.  Plus it looks cute.  CIMG0134 Besides, what dad wouldn’t love a picture of him and his little girl affixed to his gift?


  1. Love it, very cute(in a non girly sort of way!)

  2. That is awesome!!! :) Hope you have a special day tomorrow with your dad! :)

  3. I really like this idea. Especially like how the clothespin is keeping the photo on.

  4. Cute idea! Two gifts in one!

  5. What an awesome idea!! Too sad my dad is hundreds and hundreds miles away... by the way I got the labels today! I adore them!! Thank so much!! Love the card, so lovely! Have a great Father's Day!!

  6. Cute idea, Ashley! I think this would be great gift wrap for just about anyone!

  7. Great Idea! Now I just need to find a picture and get this little project underway...Currently my dad's gift is in a pink bag. Real men like pink, right?! :) Lana

  8. HI
    I was blog hopping and came across your blog and thought Id say HI :)

