Shopping with Mom

CIMG9993I went shopping with my mom at the wholesale florist this week.  This is just a typical day in the life of a flower shop owner. CIMG9992CIMG0018CIMG0019 CIMG0022CIMG9991 It brought me back to my childhood…we took many trips into those cold refrigerators while both of my parents picked through the bundles of beautiful flowers finding the perfect ones for orders. CIMG0003CIMG0004 CIMG0005 CIMG0006 I now understand where my attention to detail must come from…CIMG0008 CIMG0009 CIMG0010 CIMG0011 The colors and varieties are any flower lovers dream… CIMG0012 CIMG0013 CIMG0014In the flower business you have to be picky with what you buy as they are all very perishable…CIMG0015 CIMG0016 CIMG0017 CIMG0020 CIMG0021 CIMG0024I love these exotic ones… CIMG0026 CIMG0027 CIMG0028 CIMG0029 CIMG0030When I was little I spent many hours in the flower shop making my own arrangements with the “throwaway” flowers. CIMG0031 CIMG0032 CIMG9981CIMG9985CIMG9984On a day to day basis my mom and I are very different yet in moments like these I am reminded how much we are alike. CIMG9986 CIMG9988 CIMG9989 CIMG9990 CIMG9994I may never go into the flower business but I definitely inherited a love for beauty and creativity.  CIMG9995 CIMG9996 CIMG9997CIMG9998They also have a crafting section…go ahead and drool you crafters!CIMG0051 CIMG0033Every size and shape you could need…now you know where I get all my stuff from…CIMG0034 CIMG0036 CIMG0037  This is her thing…CIMG0040CIMG0041 CIMG0042I have seen some really cute stuff with these birthday inspired plastic pieces…just you wait! CIMG0043 CIMG0044 It was a fun morning and I could appreciate the experience so much more as a crafty adult than as an impatient child…  CIMG0046 CIMG0047 CIMG0048I could have taken it all home…CIMG0039CIMG0038How have your parents inspired your passions?


  1. Just give me an hour,, only an hour to see how much I can fill a cart! I love the selection of flowers, it reminds me that only God could create all those colors and make each one so different and some so subtle. Great pictures Ashley, thanks for sharing!

  2. That is something I would add to "My Bucket List". You would probably have to unthaw me after the shopping trip. I have never seen so many lovely flowers. Thank you for making my morning.


  3. Beautiful pictures!!! I've never seen some of those flowers before. :) The crafting section would be hard to leave. Shopping with my mom is nervewracking. ;)

  4. I think I understand - my mom owned a fabric store that I got so bored at. Now, it would be so inspiring to sit and touch and stare at everything!

  5. Oh wow!!! Those flowers and plants are amazing. That store looks awesome. I wish we had something like that here. You are one lucky girl!!!

  6. I used to go to my grandmother's backporch and pretend that it was a flower shop and I was the florist. All our friends were our customers and my sister and I would arrange picked flowers and "sale" them to our friends. It was lots of fun.

  7. How very cool! It's neat to know where you're talent is from, too☺

  8. What a lovely post...those hydrangeas are my fave! It's great that you & your parents could share such special memories. My mom & I share a love for crafting and decorating, together we are a force to be reckoned with!

  9. Oh My Goodness!!!!
    What a great day you must have had with her. It's so nice when you can finds things to bring you together. I think I am far more like my grandmothers than my Mom. That's where my crafty came from.

  10. what absolutely gorgeous photos! wow. and the rows and rows of ribbon do have me drooling, for sure! i don't know that my mom passed much on to me but she is always making stuff and so am i, so maybe she did!!

  11. What a fun job! I bet it smells wonderful in there. Oh my what a fun trip you must have had!

  12. Beeeeautiful flowers!! LOVE looking at all of them, especially all those beautiful hydrangeas, peonies & roses!!

    Thanks for sharing!

  13. Great post! I LOVEd looking at all those flowers. My favorite flower is those southern hydrengia's!

  14. Wonderful post! God, how I would love to be there too! lol...
    WHat an amazing place!

  15. Whoa, God is good!
