Honey, It’s ALL in the Shoes: Book Review











What woman doesn’t love shoes?  Or some other type of fashionista fetish?  My personal fave…purses.  This lovely lady, Phyllis Hoffman, is the author of the book Honey, It’s All in the Shoes were she writes about shoes, life, and somehow connecting it all.  I have had the privilege to be a part of a book tour this month that is featuring this very book!  Lucky me, I am going first, am hoping to kick off this tour giving you a little taste of this fashionista book and invite you to join me by visiting the other tour participants this month.  It’s like our own little online book club!

So put your feet up, in your favorite heels of course, and let’s do some summer reading….

From TLC book tours:

Can you remember the magic you felt when you slipped on your mother’s high heels; your very own first pair of pumps; your excursion for the perfect professional pair; the glory of finding the most comfortable shoes, and your first ballet slippers, Mary Janes, or running shoes?  In these pairs of shoes reside distinct journeys, phases of life, triumphs and tragedies, precious memories, and lessons learned.

In ‘Honey, It’s All in the Shoes’ Phyllis Norton Hoffman takes you on a journey examining these defining moments, sharing what she has learned when she was required to wear different shoes-from a mother and wife to entrepreneur and businesswoman to publishing powerhouse to doting grandmother- and provides advice for women on putting their best foot forward, no matter their role, circumstance, or stage of life.  Hoffman’s fun, nostalgic, and intriguing exploration of the phases of her own life and the virtues that she’s lived by gives you hope, confidences, and pride in the life you are already living and the life you are planning ahead.  Everything you need is all in the shoes!  Through your own recollections and understanding of what your own shoe closet holds and represents, you will discover your true worth as a woman.

I love how Hoffman uses the analogy of shoes with everyday life.  What woman cannot relate?  You will laugh and sympathize with her as she retells major life experiences taking it one foot step at a time.  With every pair of shoes, she speaks of different seasons thoughtfully recalling the details, trials, and joys of living the life as a woman.

I especially related to this book when she spoke of taking many “first steps.”  I tend to view my life in seasons, with which holds new, different, exciting, and often challenging experiences.  The idea of wearing different shoes or taking another first step reminds me to walk the life I have set forth in front of me.  It doesn’t matter what I wore yesterday or what shoe fad I will be into years from now.  Today I am wearing this…doing this…living this way…and I hope to step into those shoes, walking proudly, into what life will bring me. 

Honey, It’s All in the Shoes was a delightful read, as Hoffman journeys through the retelling of her life.  Many women will find this book an enjoyable read perfect for kicking off those heels and looking at life’s trials and joys as Hoffman takes you along for the ride.

If you are looking for a good summer read, hop on over and visit the following links to find out more about the book and book tour.  Be sure to also visit some of these great book blogs and one of our own favorite Southern ladies, Rhoda at Southern Hospitality!


For more info on Honey, It’s All in the Shoes and Phyllis Hoffman: 

Book tour information

Hoffman Media

Book Tour Schedule:

Wednesday, July 8th:  Domestic Fashionista (you’re here!)

Thursday, July 9th:  Bookshipper

Monday, July 13th:  Luxury Reading

Tuesday, July 14th:  The Magic Lasso

Wednesday, July 15th:  Cheryl’s Book Nook

Thursday, July 16th:  High Heeled Foot in the Door

Monday, July 20th:  Southern Lady

Tuesday, July 21st:  The Book Lady’s Blog

Wednesday, July 22nd:  Southern Hospitality

Thursday, July 23rd:  Cindy’s Love of Books

Friday, July 24th:  Shhh I’m Reading 

Monday, July 27th:   Talent to Play  and  Book Nook Club 


So…what is your favorite fashionista fetish?

Outdoor Organization: Trash


  1. Oh, you know I'm a shoe girl. I am really excited about reading this book. I hadn't heard of it so Thank you very much for recommending this read.. it's raining here, there isn't much more to do except read.

  2. Sounds like a great read, cause you know I love shoe shoppping! Gotta find that book.

  3. Hi Ashley! Great review! My fashion fetish- well I don't really have one, I guess. I'm not a shoe girl or a purse girl. I go for whatever is comfortable and clean- the life of a work-at-home mom!!

    THanks so much for the time and effort you put into reading and reviewing Honey, It's All in the Shoes!

  4. I love anything Phyllis Hoffman does, so I'm sure this book is fab!

  5. Sounds good. Always looking for a new book to read! Thx!

  6. I am a shoe girl all the way!! I clean out my closet every few months just to make room for a new season and space for my new shoe boxes.

    I like handbags, sunglasses, and necklaces...
