So much to celebrate

CIMG1693I had a birthday a few weeks ago…and I have a lot to celebrate…CIMG1695I am excited for a new season of crafting and nesting…CIMG1481 I have a man to make me birthday cakes…CIMG1482I look forward to embracing more domesticity as a married woman…(my brand spanking new empire red kitchenaid mixer!!!)CIMG1496 To great friends and family who get to celebrate life’s joys with me…(yes, we had a pinata!)CIMG1504 A year that so many of my wishes are coming true…CIMG1577 The beginning of a new life with the man of my dreams…CIMG1583  It’s going to be a good year…


  1. You too are starting a new season in your life. I think you're going to enjoy it very much. Never take a day for granted and embrace each new thing with all the gusto you can... you're really going to make a great partner in life for you man! he's a very lucky guy!

  2. Love your banner and cake! I have the same it for xmas and LOVE it!

  3. I agree -- you are going to have a great year! My hubby makes me cakes too! Cute birthday pictures!

  4. Hi Ashley! You guys make a great couple! Happy belate Birthday! Ah, you're gonna love the miexr! I have one myself and it is awesome! All the best to you, Vanessa.

  5. I'll try really hard to celebrate with you and not be jealous the least little bit over your nice shinny red mixer.

  6. Happy Birthday! I just had one as well :). Looks like you had a great one and your mixer is fabulous.

  7. A wedding, a man who will make cakes, and a red KA?? I doesn't get much better...seriously! :) Enjoy yourself!!! :)

  8. You two are so cute together. I love the fall too it bring on such warm happy feelings.
    Happy B-day!!!!

  9. Reading your last few blog posts just makes me smile. They are so full of love and happiness♥

    It looks like everything is coming together nicely!

  10. It's good to be blessed - and know it! Happy Birthday.

  11. I hope you guys have a long and happy life together. Looking forward to pics from your wedding.

  12. Adorable! Looks like tons of fun xoxo

  13. Happy Belated birthday!! How awesome to get a Kitchen Aid mixer?! Lucky duck!! My sister's birthday was yesterday and her hubby got her one. I'm trying hard not to be jealous. :o)

  14. Hello, you have the most fabulously wonderful site here and I had to leave this comment for you ! Your posts are beautifully written, creative and original too, and you have interesting pictures.

    It's all perfect !

    Thank you for sharing your site and best wishes.... 'Happy September'....

  15. Hopped on over from the Leaders blog. Cute post. Love the monogrammed pumpkins, too!
