Before you eat…

CIMG2524Hand sanitizer+sticker+netting=clean port-o-pottied wedding guests.  For those who cringe at wedding+port-o-potties, there will be bathrooms but they will be few…and priority goes to the woman in the big white poufy gown…ahem.CIMG2529Need I say more?


  1. What a neat idea!You always come up with some cute and creative ideas! Have a great day! Vanessa

  2. Oh, I almost wet my pants. Working in the healthcare field, let me just say WELL DONE!!!

  3. Ashley, this is a great solution to those ugly hand sanitizers, and also to get guests to use them!!

    If you have a chance, link this up to my Decorating Dilemmas party tonight or tomorrow. :) (I'm posting it after 10 pm -EST- tonight) This is a great solution for any kind of party or get together...people are more likely to use it b/c it's so pretty!!! ;)

  4. I just found your blog and I am in love! I look forward to following you!
    Have a great week!
    I am hosting my first giveaway, check it out!

  5. Love it! I would totally use this if I was a guest at a wedding.
