I love my life.

CIMG0147Hand written cards in the mail… CIMG0148Pictures of me and my love fresh off the printer… CIMG0149Empty walls to fill… CIMG0150Frames to capture special moments… CIMG0152 The creative juices were flowing…CIMG0159 An ice cream cake was being frosted…CIMG0160It was just one of those days…

One of those days where life could just not get any better.

Photo Coasters in Black and White


  1. Love it!! Love the pictures of you guys! Hugs, Vanessa

  2. Love a day like that when I can look back and actually "see" how I spent my time.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I wouldve also been cool if you solved world hunger or balanced the budget.

  5. Oh I love days like these! Such a sweet post. Did you make the ice cream cake? If so, could you post the recipe? I really like the keys in the frame.

  6. lovely! also, i have not forgotten your little letters. kind of busy but will get them to you for sure! Kelly

  7. What an awesome day you had. Full of lots of fun things along the way. Enjoy the rest of your week. Love & blessings from NC!
