Happy Fourth!

CIMG9290This weekend we have been digging trenches for our sprinkler system, gardening, and baking up these delicious patriotic treats for a barbecue tomorrow.  Nothing says holiday weekend like yard work and cupcakes!

Be sure to come back on Tuesday for a fantabulous giveaway!  I love free stuff!

What are your holiday weekend plans?


  1. Cute cupcakes. I went to a BBQ last night, today we had a wedding and another BBQ to go to. Tomorrow, we're cooking out at home and then to a local fireworks show.


  2. Those cupcakes look yummy! Hope you have a great 4th!

  3. well, I worked Saturday and I work today. Sunday we decided to go shopping for our trip and went to the military base to participate in the festivities.

  4. I hope you had a wonderful 4th of July! :)

