“That most of us are considered poor is no disgrace, but does us credit; for, as the mind is weakened by luxurious living, so it is strengthened by a frugal life.” -Minucius Felix
I have been talking about living frugally a lot lately…you may notice I blog in seasons. Seasons where I am focused on a specific area of life. Sometimes it is on crafting….holidays…food…decorating…right now it is on money. It is easy to put my hot glue gun away, pack away the holiday decor, hang my apron, put a project on hold…but money is always there…or not there. So let’s reflect…
In order to live more simply, I am trying to buy less stuff for the house…and get rid of stuff we have. Streamline our stuff to the necessary and to the things we love. Nothing else. It’s hard. But it is a lot easier when I don’t go shopping. Or at least tell myself straight to the {item I am looking for} and straight to the check out stand. No wandering.
I’m working on it…
How can you live more simply?