Chalkboard and Vinyl Labels With The Cricut


I shared this project last year, but wanted to share it again {as it is a good one} and one of my lovely friends, Amanda, is hosting an I {heart} my crafty cutter link up party this week.


Cutting vinyl with a Cricut is no new news.  But here is my secret :: you do not have to buy expensive vinyl in order to make chalkboard labels {or any other vinyl project like my drink bucket}.


You can buy black contact paper.  And it works just the same.  And you get a whole roll of it for the same price as two pieces of vinyl. 


Cut it to size and tape it onto your cutting mat {so it stays in place}.  To use as a chalkboard, write on it (I recommend chalkboard pens}, and wipe off with a damp towel.  Easy peasy.  No more expensive vinyl!

For more inspirational Cricut, Silhouette, die cutting madness, head on over to Amanda’s party.  And you can link up any time from now until Friday! 

Serenity Now Crafty Cutter Party
Cooking Through Deceptively Delicious


  1. Love it! They look great and so cool knowing it was done in an inexpensive way!

  2. I love the drinks bucket. Every time I see yours, I want to make one of my own. It'd be so cute for a summer party! :)

  3. I love those. I wish I had one. I would have vinyl letters on everything in my I passed an award over to you. It's on my blog today. Have a great day!

  4. Stopping by via Amanda's party. LOVE the labels - so fun! I also use contact paper to cut a ton of my stuff with. Last year I went to Ecuador and they had contact paper in nearly every color of the rainbow - 2 huge rolls for $2! I brought back waaay too much of it...haha! :) LOVE your blog - super cute! :)

  5. I wish I had a cricut so I could do amazing things like this. Great post.

  6. Just got a Cricut for my birthday.. I am one happy girl and so excited to get crafting with it. Going to check out Amanda's Party.. thanks for the inspiration!

  7. I remember this tip! And it is a good one!! :) Your labels look just as nice as the pricier vinyl ones. Great job, Ashley! Thank you so much for linking up with me. :)

  8. what a great tip! thanks for sharing, ashley! i have a silhouette and the vinyl can be quite expensive!

  9. Thanks 4 sharing! & great drink bucket!

  10. Nice! I didn't know that about black contact paper. I just bought for another project so I'll have to try it for chalkboard. Thanks!! :)

  11. You have such great thrifty ideas! Thank you for sharing them!
