Roseville Antique Market :: Spring 2011

I recently spent the morning enjoying the beauty and creativity of the Roseville Antique Market.  There are a lot of talented ladies out there…so here is just a small dose of all the delicious eye candy that day…
Katie Jean was there with all her sweet vintage inspired pieces:
Old Soul Studios reinventing beautiful “junk”:
Daisy Girl Creations selling all her sweet little accessories…
And the whole show is put on by the adorable little shop The Tattered House
So much inspiration…so what did I end up coming home with?
This adorable pillow cover…
A cool little glass door knob hook…
Fun letters spelling out our love from Old Soul Studios
And I just lurve this cutie patootie heart and wings pin…
It has been such a wonderful experience getting to know some of these creative ladies.  I love meeting women who share a common passion for creativity {and to be honest…junk}.  If you get a chance, I would love for you to tell these ladies hello.  I hope you will find yourself inspired!
Painted Entryway


  1. Ooooh... everything look so nice. The little pots on the coils is a good one! Ahhh.. if only we have this in Malaysia... Thanks for sharing. at least I got to see and share your joy!

  2. I so wish I had a place like this around me...I think I have to do some research on it. I've a craving for getting more white and blues for the house these days

  3. That looks like so much fun!!! How do you limit yourself when you go??

    I love the shot of the fabric puppy dogs. My grandmother used to make those. I'd never seen them anywhere else (guess I don't get out enough!!) :o)

  4. Oh that looks like a fun time! Love all your goodies!

  5. Oh Ashley! It was such a gorgeous day! Thank you for taking such great pictures as usual :) I'm glad that you took so many, because I didn't get much of a chance to walk around and shop for myself!
