Light Those Candles!

I have been blessed with an overabundance of tea lights from my sister in law’s wedding.  I love having candles lit in the home.  It makes the home feel warm and cozy.  I even light them all when I am home by myself.  Summer is also a great time to create ambiance outdoors.
I am not really sure the point of this post but I just wanted to share and encourage you to pull out all those candles you have hiding somewhere…and start enjoying them…even if you are home alone!
I remember going to a friend’s house for dinner with my husband and she said she and her husband were so excited to have friends over so they could light their candles!  I remember thinking that was so silly!  If lighting your candles make you happy…do it more often!
Clustered together, these little flames make a big statement.
And a whole bunch on a plate are even more dreamy…and moveable.
Do you light your candles?