What I Wore :: Birthday Edition

So I promise this is the last post about my birthday this year {I got a little behind. wink.}.  We already had a weekend full of festivities so on my actual birthday we went out to one of my favorite local restaurants, Garcia's, and had some fun taking pictures at the park.

During the day I stopped at Michael's to spend a birthday gift card and I found all these make your own badges on clearance.  Though I already made myself one, I couldn't resist picking up another.  The blue ruffle is luxurious.

And sporting my new pink heart rate monitor watch, also a birthday gift...

And a lovely photo of me and the hubster on this quaint little bridge...we are remembering this spot for a future engagement session...

Dress: JC Penny w/coupon // Bday Badge: Michael's // Posy Hair Pin: DIY // Watch: Sportsline from Sports Authority // Purse: Juicy Couture from Marshall's // Sandals: Sears
Lace Canvas Art


  1. I don't know where I've been hiding but haven't visited your blog in a long time..well since its changed! and it looks FABULOUS!!!!!!

    Love the dress as well..

    well done on the new look :)

  2. The bridge picture looks so romantic!

  3. You guys are so cute!

    And I'm loving your dress! So cute!
