Coming Home...


As I type, my dad is on his way...home sweet home.  It has been a long six days...for dad...and his little fan club.  But we are thankful that all went well and coming home has never felt better.

Though we {my mom, Brent, and I} enjoyed taking six flights of stairs to burn off our nightly curly fries...laughed at the interesting "roommate" my dad got to endure...hugged the wife whose husband was dying of cancer next door...and enjoyed the kind staff who allowed us to humor them all week....we even got to celebrate a little Saint Patrick's Day while we were there...I think dad enjoyed his green pistachio milkshake!

But nonetheless, there is nothing like finally being able to come home...

There are lots of follow up appointments to come, some in home nurse visits, and being around to assist my dad in getting to his normal self again...but we are happy to be doing it all in the comfort of our own home.  :)