sneak peek to my newly decorated post soon!
I really do love Saint Patrick's Day...I love the green...the pinching...eating artificially colored green food. But you wouldn't know based on my holiday decor. I struggle with all the green. My pastel home doesn't do well. So subtle it is...but I like it that way.
I put out my green shamrock dish...and filled it with leftover Valentine's Day candy...and then I ate it all. Then I clipped this little shamrock I made a few years ago back when I had big eyes about selling stuff on Etsy to a photo.
I also have two other St. Patti's dishes as well as a tea pot...we will see if it gets used this year. I imagine it will be fun when we have kids so I continue storing my five St. Patti's Day stuff.
The last few years we started the tradition of making mint chocolate chip milkshakes on Saint Patrick's Day...but with the recipe for a McDonald's shamrock shake floating around the internet, we might have to give it a try this year!
And in case you LOVE Saint Patrick's Day, you can read more posts on this green filled day in my archives.
Do you have any fun Saint Patti's Day traditions?