Styling a Modern Gallery Wall

Styling a modern gallery wall

I recently changed up the gallery wall that surrounds our television.  This wall is probably the largest wall in the house yet has been the hardest for me to decorate around as it is where we hang our TV.  I wanted something a little modern--art prints, metallics, and touches of black.  There is something about black that pulls a room together.  I am just learning this now as I let go of my all white infatuation.  

Ampersand print is from Minted, butterfly print I designed (free to download at the end of this post!), and a pretty little painting I found at the thrift store. 

The dresser we use under the TV is also a little tricky.  It's long and serves as our entertainment center.  Filling it up with books and plants has helped it feel more pulled together and camouflages the electronics.

I took these photos two separate days as one of the frames was empty for awhile.  When I redid our dining room gallery wall I left a frame empty in the photos.  Since then it has been filled, but it kills me every time I see that photo go by on Pinterest.  Why didn't I wait to fill in that darn picture frame!?  So because I waited, you will notice that the plants have also changed since then.  Please excuse my ever changing home decor OCD-ness!

Abstract pink print is also from Minted, silhouette found in a Google image search, free botanical print download found online, and live simply print is from The Painted Arrow.  I am a little obsessed with finding prints online and printing them from home.  Immediate gratification people (I have a Kodak ESP-3 printer and print on white card stock in case you were wondering).  Adding art to our home has given it a more modern and upscale look that I am really loving.

Create a gallery wall to decorate around your TV

And because I could not find a free butterfly print online that I liked, I went ahead and made my own using free butterfly graphics.  To download, right click on the image to view image and then save to your computer. 
Free butterfly print download from

// How do you decorate around your TV?
Simplifying My Pinterest Boards
I Don't Shop Much Anymore


  1. Your gallery wall is beautiful and so chic! We're moving in a few weeks, and I'm planning a gallery wall for my new office. One of my favorite things to frame are pretty magazine covers.

  2. Lovely! I love the mix and match of prints!

  3. I admired your butterfly print last Women's Group and it didn't even occur to me that you could have made it yourself! I actually collect mounted butterflies, so I recognize No. 4 as a Blue Morpho and No. 6 as a Pink Glasswing - but I don't recognize No. 5! Do you happen to know what it's called?

  4. It looks great! You have such a knack for decorating.
