Summer Time on a Budget

Inexpensive things to do in the summer.

There is something about summer.  A desire to slow down.  I have been sharing a lot about simple living and cutting back lately because it is fresh on my heart.  I know there are seasons to spend and seasons to save so I am soaking up this time of frugality while I am in it.  Surely the holidays will be here before we know it and I will be thankful for this time of slowness.  Between the slowness of summer and keeping to a budget, I am finding creative ways to enjoy this season.

I have been going to the library...

I am not sure why but I tend to go to the library more in the summer than any other time of year.  We rent a lot of movie DVD's since there is not much to watch on our DVR.  We are currently watching the Twilight series.  It is amazing.  Why did I take so long to see these?!?

I take my nephew and we check out books instead of buying him ones to have at our house.  If I see a book online (especially cookbooks!) that I would like to try, I check if the library has it first.  If I love it, I still end up buying it but by checking out books I have saved myself a lot of money on buying books I didn't end up loving.

I am making treats at home...

We have been making a lot of homemade ice cream at home.  It tastes so much better than store bought and feels extra special that it is homemade.  If we have guests over I don't worry about fixing dessert as we always have at least one batch of homemade ice cream in the freezer.  It also keeps us from needing to go out to ice cream (we have gotten a little obsessive in the past going to Dairy Queen all summer!).

I love spending time in our garden...

Fresh basil and cilantro are one of my favorite highlights of a summer garden.  They make meals taste so fresh.  Instead of using a  small bunch from the store at a time, purchasing a few plants each summer keeps me from having to buy it from the grocery store.  It is so much cheaper and it feels good to get my fingers in the dirt.

I am catching up on projects...

Having a clutter free home of excess stuff as well as seasonal decorations (hello fall and winter!) allows me to see my home and projects yet to finish more clearly. 

I am getting outside as much as possible...

After dinner walks or bike rides to the lake make for good memories and free entertainment.  We usually have to go early in the morning or later in the evening if it is too hot but having long summer days make them possible.

// What have you been enjoying this summer?


  1. I feel the same way about summer-- in fact, whenever I think about the library I think of summer as a kid and how I'd settle into a good book afterward on the floor in front of the fan. Thanks for the reminder that life is still full and beautiful in its most simple state. :)

  2. Us too! Library and homemade ice cream, the best way to keep cool in the summer :)

  3. This August my husband and I are abandoning TV and I'm pretty sure books and wine tasting will be the order of the day whenever we have free time. Wine tasting in Lodi, Amador, Calaveras, Fairplay ect all have a number of complimentary tasting rooms that offer outdoor seating and views.

  4. I'm at the library more in the summer too. And I loved the Twilight series! My husband and I listened to the audiobooks together and then saw all the movies.
