Give Thanks in All Things

"I thank God for my cancer.  Not because I'm happy that I have it, but because it is a command for me to do so.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 says, 'In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.'

God doesn't say to give thanks only for the good things in our lives.  He says to give thanks in ALL things, and so I give thanks daily not only for the good things in my life, but for the things that are hard to accept, like my throat cancer, and it helps me."

I was recently discussing something with my husband and I found myself repeating some of these words.  Sometimes things are just rough.  And while our current struggles are far from something as painful and heavy as cancer, they still seem to put a heavy weight on our hearts.  So I am reminding myself to give thanks in all things.  Even in the hard to understand.