When we first moved, our son's nursery was one of the first rooms to get completed. The room is pretty much the same as it was in our old house except we have added a few things over time to fill in the larger space as well as transition from a newborn room to an infant/toddler space (meaning less swaddles and more toys!).
I may have mentioned this before, but we decided to give him the larger of two available rooms (leaving the smaller room as an extra guest bedroom). His room has such a beautiful view of the trees in our front yard and so I wanted to be able to see it on a daily basis. It has proven to serve him well, giving him a great big open space to also play in.
At our old house we lacked a lot of storage for our son and so we maximized every space we could. Previously we used a crib skirt to hide bins of storage. Now that we have a bigger room and a decent sized closet for him, we have transitioned to these soft bins that now store toys and blankets.
Our little corner with chair has not changed much. This basic TJ-Maxx chair still looks like new after a year of nursing that went down. It is now used for bedtime stories and we continue to love it. My only complaint would be that it did not have a high back.
So many nights I was sitting there so desperately wanting to lay my head back. But I also think it helped me from falling asleep here. Because I wasn't too comfortable, it held me accountable to putting the baby back in his crib and getting myself back in bed for some real sleep! If and when we have a second child, the truth on this chair will surely come out if we decide to continue to use it or buy a new one!
The night night banner is my favorite and really highlighted this corner. The letters can be purchased from The Land of Nod in any combination you would like. I can't take full credit as I saw the wording in the catalog and had to copy!

This Target woven wall hanging is also new to this house. A little neutral decor to fill in some wall space.
Our little diaper changing station has stayed the same. You can find most of the sources I do not mention here on my last nursery room post.
Since starting solids and getting some serious business going on in the diapers, we have switched to regular wipes. But we still keep the cloth wipes around for small jobs and wiping up other messes. But I would definitely say that making these cloth wipes was worth it for the first 6-9 months as it definitely saved us some money and was a bit kinder on the earth.
At our last house we had one of these Target bookcases but I had originally seen them styled as a pair. Now that we had more space I finally got to create the large scale look I had wanted! To fill in the space we got more white bins from Pottery Barn and a bunch of wire baskets from TJ-Maxx.
I tried a few variations above the bookcases to fill in such a large space. I finally settled on using these Ikea frames we already had and filling them with sweet and silly black and white photos of our little guy.
There is a lot of color on these bookcases. Isolated in these photos, it seems like a lot. But the room as a whole feels very neutral and calm which I love.
When I originally took these pictures (months ago), this is how this corner behind the door looked:
But since then, I have added a few pictures and a banner that we had leftover from his birthday party (shared on Instagram).
The bins help corral the toys for a little more organization. I keep the more "pretty" looking toys out and exposed in the wire bins and use the white bins for hiding the not so cute! But really, I am all for only having toys you enjoy looking at (perhaps that might change as he gets older!). I find that having the toys around and in different parts of the house feels more manageable when I find joy in seeing them as well.
I am not usually one to have a lot of area rugs over carpet but this was an exception as I was trying to add more style to his previous nursery. Besides adding some visual interest, I found that that rug was a gift to myself those early weeks of pacing with the baby back and forth in his room in the middle of the night. It was a simple luxury to feel a change under my feet. I definitely recommend it!
Our sweet little guy loves playing in his room. It is a happy space for us both! And he is so tiny in these pictures! Amazing how much they change in such a short period of time.
The wood play gym was also new to this home. It is from The Land of Nod and you can pick different options for what hangs from it (we went with the planet theme).
Here is a peak into the bins under his bed (above) as well as a more realistic view of the room being used (below).
We loved the nursery from our old house just as much as we do in our new home. It is a blessing that we were able to upgrade to a bigger and nicer home here in Virginia. But I also feel like it is interesting to be able to look at both nurseries with an almost identical theme and see that you can have a beautiful space no matter what size the home.
We used a lot of non-nursery items to make the room feel more like us while also being a bit more budget friendly. I am happy with how we have carefully chosen our purchases and truly believe that many of these items will continue to be used and grow along with our son. I hope you enjoyed the tour!