Taking The Summer Off

After a series of events I have decided that I will be taking the summer off from blogging - and from any type of "influence" I attempt over social media.  I will still post on Instagram but more casually than intentionally.

I have been doing some freelance work over the last few months and my editor I work with is going on maternity leave.  So I will be taking a break from that as well until she returns. 

Things just started lining up in a way that told me it was time to take a break.  I have taken breaks from blogging in the past - but mostly it was unintentionally (life just got busy) or I was in a place where too much time online was becoming unhealthy for me. 

Neither are the case this time.  I simply think it is time to take a break to give my time, mental space, and creative energy to something else.  I am not even sure what that is, outside of my family, but I believe allowing myself a break will give me the opportunity to search that out more.

For the first time in years I feel completely free from any responsibility I have online and I want to take advantage of this opportunity to know what it feels like to simply be.

I loved this quote from a book I am currently reading:

So often, we are weary and burdened not because of long hours or having too much to do, but because we are taking on things we were never meant to do, or in a way or during a time we were never meant to do them.

I doubt I will ever completely quit this space.  I love having a place to share.  But I wonder if my purpose in this season is supposed to be devoted somewhere else for a time.  Only time will tell. 

Thanks for being here and tagging along with me during this journey.  I look forward to finding out and sharing where this break over the summer will lead me.
