Paper American Flags: Easy Toddler Activity
We made a fun paper American flag craft this week in honor of Independence Day coming up this weekend. It was a very easy activity just perfect for celebrating the Fourth of July. My three year old helped me make these while my daughter played with stickers in her high chair! Navigating craft or learning time with a one year old is proving to be quite challenging. But this quick and simple project got completed just before melt down!
You can use a variety of supplies but we made ours with construction paper, paper straws, and star stickers. I cut out the stripes and blue blocks and had my son help with the gluing. For the more advanced crafter you can have them cut it themselves or even tear the stripes to work on fine motor skills.
He placed all the stars and I used packing tape to hold the paper straw down. A fun little activity to get us in the mood for the holiday weekend.
I hope you all have a happy and safe fourth! We are planning to barbecue and lay low as our county continues strict social distancing protocols. It is in simple memory making activities like these that help us enjoy these strange and quiet holidays.