Today I am excited to announce the gender of our third baby! If you like surprises, check out this one minute video clip below of our confetti cannon revealing if it is a boy or girl. Otherwise, scroll down for more photos and the story around our finding out!
We were all set up for our 20 week ultrasound to find out the gender of our baby. My parents were already planning a trip to visit so they could watch the kids while we had our appointment.
Yet just a short two weeks before, more covid restrictions were put in place in our state which no longer allowed Brent to come to my appointments with me. I was heart broken! I may have cried when I found out and then again on the way to the appointment! But since all plans were already in place, Brent still went with me to the appointment and just worked from our car!
I had a follow up appointment after the ultrasound so I had just enough time to meet him outside to tell him the exciting news. I was allowed to also take a short video clip from our ultrasound to share with him as well.
It is definitely hard when you have your heart set on something, but I am continually reminded that ultimately all we care about is a healthy baby in the end. No matter how they come or the circumstances I have to go through to get there.
We did get a call the next day that they found that I have two areas of my placenta that is raised which could provide some more complications along the way. Concerns about the baby getting enough nutrients, possible preterm labor, and an increased chance of a c-section.
But at this point, all that can be done is to monitor it. So we wait, trust, and pray that in the end we have a healthy baby! I have yet to have a zero scare pregnancy or labor so we know that we just have to wait out every worry and allow it to mold us and grow us for the better.
With all that said, we are excited and celebrating this little life that is growing inside of me. Lots of kicks and now knowing the gender all make it feel a bit more real.
So without further ado, IT'S A...

We totally thought we were having a girl because my morning sickness was so bad this time as it was with our daughter. So we were pleasantly surprised to be finding out we were having another sweet little boy!
And in case you are interested, I thought I would add some information on our confetti cannon. We went back on forth on what we wanted to use for our reveal photo. We looked at smoke bombs and powder cannons but couldn't decide. So we stopped in to Party City after our ultrasound to pick up some balloons to arrive home with to announce to our kids and my parents. And while we were there they had a confetti cannon. For $9, we decided to give it a try! Even if it was just fun for the kids.
But I went ahead and got us all dressed with cameras ready just in case the confetti cannon ended up working well. And we were all pleasantly surprised that it worked out great!
We set up our DSLR on a tripod on the sports setting for a fast shutter speed. Once we were all in place we had my dad hold down the shutter before we even set off the confetti cannon so that it ensured we got the right shot. And then we had my mom take a video on a phone in slow motion to catch all the confetti falling. I then edited it in imovie later.
I still have Brent convinced we need to do some smoke bomb pictures. But until then, the confetti canon was perfect! It was such a fun and special way to celebrate our sweet baby boy!
Yeah congrats! My daughter had to do all her appts by herself, it was really hard for her! TG the numbers were down a bit when she had her baby so I could be there.
ReplyDeleteThat is so hard! So glad you could be there for the birth though! We are hoping things will hopefully settle down by the spring.
DeleteAsh!!!! How did I miss this???
ReplyDeleteBaby Number 3 and a precious little boy!! CONGRATULATIONS my sweet friend x
Thank you sweet friend!!!