Inspiration And Distraction

That fine line between inspiration and distraction // As we head into the holidays I am finding I am already overwhelmed by the temptation to buy more or even waste time online browsing for all the toys and cute decor out this season. As I continue to navigate how to be a part of the world but not being consumed by it, I am reevaluating what I take in on social media. ⁠

I am "muting" a few of my favorite accounts so that I have less to keep up with during this holiday season. I find it too easy for little things to creep into my life that started as inspiration but then quickly became a distraction. ⁠

And I completely get it - people are simply trying to make a living. I am not mad about it. I am not unfollowing because of it. But I am creating boundaries that allow me to still be a part of something while not sacrificing too much of my time and energy that I am not willing to give. ⁠

And instead I am making room for more joy, peace, contentment, and inspiration.

Anything you are "muting" this season?⁠