Post Holiday Reflections


Post Holiday Reflections // @thenester taught me to take notes after the holidays to read the following year. Things like what worked and what didn’t. I’ve started to take notes for our major holidays in a notebook and I find it so helpful.

As I create traditions for my family and learn how much I’m willing to do (or spend), these notes are helping me to stay focused. Nothing like packing up my holiday storage bin the day after the holiday to be in a purging and reflecting mood.

My spring bin is full but I also filled half a bag of items to donate. I’ve decided I’m not upset if the bin is full as long as it’s full of things we use. Plus it’s okay to use something just for this season and pass it on for someone else to enjoy. We used it and it served it’s purpose but we don’t need to keep it past the holiday.

Seasonal books, pretty mom approved plastic eggs, and craft supplies we didn’t get to but will be happy to find next year are what currently fill the box. As my kids get older and we better define our family traditions, I imagine these things will change.

What I learned this year:
+ next year the Easter bunny will bring the basket and parents will hide the eggs (instead of vice versa - it was a little stressful and confusing!)
+ less candy and treats
+ @beecherscheese mac and cheese every holiday as long as we live in Seattle (we can get it frozen at the grocery store) forever and ever amen 

*And I just realized that the year is actually 2022. Oops!