Our Daughter's 1st Birthday Party

Our daughter recently turned one and we celebrated with a sweet and simple first birthday party. We mostly kept things the same as we have for our other kids' first birthdays. Our little traditions include photos from their first year and a photo backdrop with their cake. 

For her gift, she got this easy to fold kiddie pool/ball pit that we filled with balloons. It made for a fun photo op and gave our big kids plenty of balloons to play with!

The prettiest mermaid stuffie! I wish they made more in different colors and skin tones! We would collect them all. ;)

I always love going through our year of photos to print out for the party. It is quiet therapeutic for me as a mother to see a little highlight reel of the year. Getting to that first birthday is a major milestone! It is always so nostalgic for me to look back at the year we had together. I am so grateful for our sweet girl!

The ball pit can double as a pool or sand pit. It has a plug to hold the water or sand in. We are mostly using it as a playpen for outside. And it would be a great option to bring to the beach or on a trip as a foldable travel pool for little ones. She can already crawl out of it so it makes me wish we had gotten it sooner when she was less mobile. But regardless, it made for a great party prop and I appreciate it can be used in a variety of ways that fit the age and season we are in (I'm thinking sensory bin as she gets older as well!).

She was so happy to play in her pool of balloons! It was so sweet!

And, of course, the big kids were thrilled to join her!

After breakfast, playing, and her morning nap, we headed outside for a few first birthday photos. I got the most beautiful flower crown headband on Etsy. It is so gorgeous and heirloom worthy.

For lunch we had easy and delicious croissant sandwiches.

Then more pictures and time for cake!

I did the same cake design as I did for our older daughter. I just got different colored peonies this time.

Everyone was happy to help and sample her cake!

She liked it! :)

Our girl had the best day and was just so happy. It was so special for me to watch her and soak it all in.

Siblings were all eager to jump in and help with opening gifts!

A duplo creation gift made by her big brother.

And a game that "she can't play until she is three" from her big sister! haha!

The beginning to many more fun birthdays with our baby girl. This first one was pretty special.